Top 9 Negative Calorie Foods for Effective Fat Loss

The concept of negative calorie foods as it is the case with foods that increase metabolism sounds as a false statement, to say the least.

Why would someone consider such a statement as false?

The reason lies in the fact that everyone knows, without a doubt, that foods and beverages contain calories: some more and some less.

However very few people understand that referring to such foods has to do with the metabolic function of our bodies. Actually it is a pretty simple concept once you become familiar with the basics.

Let me clarify this a bit.

The moment we start to eat, our digestive system starts to roll. That means that we start producing saliva and then as the food goes down the hesofagus, into the stomach where various gastric fluids (of an acidic texture) turn the food into a mass ready for the small intestine.

There, our body derives all the useful nutrients that it needs and dumbs the rest to the colon, to leave the body.

That whole process I just described creates a thermal effect which equals to some calories.

What does that mean?

It means that when we digest food we spend calories.

The negative calorie foods concept is that the calories we take in, when we consume these foods, are less than the calories needed by our bodies to digest them, thus creating a negative balance.

That’s it.

Now you know why, when weight loss specialists and diet experts talk about negative calorie foods , they are referring to one of the best tools and natural approaches to stimulate fat loss, maintain a healthy weight and always be in a good shape.

However we must say that although the everyday consumption of negative calorie foods seems like a correct concept to its core, scientific evidence that the consumption of such foods contributes massively to a fat loss effort is lacking.

Therefore such foods should not be considered as “magic bullets” rather than a complement to a healthy fat loss nutrition plan.

The added value of eating negative calorie foods is that most of them are high in fibers which assists our fat loss efforts as it releases the energy it contains (aka calories) in a timely manner allowing us to have the sense of being full and not hungry for a longer period of time.

Top 9 Negative Calorie Foods

Here I have created a list of 9 foods which are considered to be the best in creating a negative balance in the calorie intake since they are the lowest in calories and the richest in essential nutrients.

Sidebar: In order to enjoy nutritional and weight loss benefits not only of the foods described hereafter but in general, be sure to consume only 100% organic ones.

Apples. By eating organic apples, it is possible not only to keep doctors away and remain healthy, but also stimulate fat loss and keep perfect body mass. 100 g of apples have only 45-50 calories, and for digesting this type of fruits our body needs to spend about 80-85 calories. Apples are definitely the most popular and the most affordable among the whole list of negative calorie foods and they are available in our stores and markets year round. These fruits are rich in iron and dietary fiber essential for normal function of our cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Grapefruits. They are considered to be among the most effective of fat burning foods, and are valued for their high content of antioxidants and a variety of very important health benefits.100 g of grapefruit have about 50-100 calories, and it takes about 100-150 calories to digest it. This amazing natural food can provide your body with dietary fiber , vitamins C and A, potassium and other minerals.

Lettuce. Known also as iceberg, lettuce is definitely among the most commonly used negative calorie foods. 100 g of lettuce will add only 14 calories to your daily calorie intake while it is especially valued for being free of fat, toxins, pesticides, and other unwanted chemicals. In addition, lettuce is a great natural source of sodium and manganese, minerals which provide our body with vitalizing powers, along with iron, essential for our blood quality. Also, lettuce leaves are rich in vitamins, include vitamin K, C, B1, B2, and A.

Onions. These are perfect and very healthy negative calorie foods which are widely used both fresh and dries. They are being used in many many traditional cuisines around the globe. Having only 40 calories in 100 g, onions are a well recognized natural source of vitamin C, with very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Also, onions can provide our body with a vital combination of sodium and potassium essential for a proper fluid balance and normalization of other chemical processes.

Cucumbers. Excellent thirst quenchers, cucumbers are very low calorie vegetables totally free of fat. Calorie content of these foods is as low as 15 calories per 100 g. Cucumbers are richin water essential for supporting metabolism, as well as in minerals like calcium, sodium and iron,and vitamins C and A.

Cabbage. This source of dietary fiber has a special place in the list of negative calorie foods. With only 25 calories in 100 g, cabbage is a cheap and available alternative to many other natural healthy foods, which enhances both our digestive function and our brain functions. It contains elements such as folic acid and magnesium which are basic to maintaining an active lifestyle.

Broccoli. A known and highly valued food with excellent anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-stress, and cleansing properties. 100 g of broccoli have only 25 calories and it takes about 80 calories to digest this amount of broccoli. Rich in anti-oxidants, broccoli is a great food to slow down aging processes in the body. A high content of dietary fiber and a low content of sugars assists in supporting the digestive system and, definitely, in promoting fat loss.

Celery. Playing an important role among negative calorie foods and the foods that increase metabolism, celery is a very popular immune system booster as well as an aphrodisiac. By eating 100 gr of celery you consume only 18 calories, at the same time your body needs to spend at least 65 calories to digest celery. By using this excellent source of vitamin K, C, A and B group, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, among others, we can considerably lower the risks of digestive problems, hypertension, respiratory infections, and bladder problems.

Zucchini. It is a low-calorie (16 calories in 100 g) and nutritious vegetable which can be a great choice to complement every healthy diet plan. As they are rich in Vitamin A they can assist in improving our immune system while in the same time its great amounts of potassium and phosphorus provide an excellent means of support to the regulation of our gastrointestinal tract as well as assist in preventing hypertension.

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