What To Consider Prior to Using Fat Burning Supplements

The consumption of fat burning supplements has been a trend for the last few decades as fitness became a more popular theme among people. Everyone had a new “pill”, as a secret to their impressive appearance.

Celebrities made it worse as they became role models for young people, which led them copying everything they did, in order to look good.

Unfortunately, it is a fact that not all people have the ability to identify the difference between right and wrong.

That inability is the reason why people become victims of smart ad campaigns, created by the health and beauty industry, which push all kinds of useless supplements.

Having that said someone could wonder if all fat burning supplements are useless and dangerous. This is exactly what we are going to see here.

Certainly, not all are bad. There are some which provide certain results and are backed up by sufficient scientific research in order to prove themselves.

What kinds of supplements are there?

There are three kinds of fat burning supplements out in the market:

1. The first are chemical compounds, which are considered as pharmaceuticals, rather than supplements, such as diet pills, thyroid regulators, cortisol blockers, various combos of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine etc. The ingredients of such supplements often include artificial boosters, mimickers, color or flavor agents produced synthetically.

There is a great deal of controversy concerning several of those methods, such as hcg, which do have a certain success indicator; however, they have not been extensively tested for their safety.

Moreover, the utilization of such dietary supplements, or related medications, can cause a wide variety of side effects and unwanted reactions, starting from quite common allergies or hypertension and ending up with serious damage to the central nervous system, liver or kidney failure, a heart attack, or even death.

Serious side effects can also be caused by the simultaneous consumption of such fat burning supplements with prescribed medications, that many people use on a regular basis.

2. Fortunately, there is also a variety of natural fat burning supplements in the market which have been used for many years by a great deal of dieters and athletes.

Many, but not all, have undergone research in order to prove their effectiveness; therefore they are able to compete against the first category of supplements that we mentioned earlier.

Such natural supplements are spirulina, several homemade diet shakes, green tea, herbal supplements,  cla supplements, exotic fruit extracts such as garcinia cambogia and so on.

3. Another category of supplements, which is the most well known among the fitness domain, is fat loss protein supplements including protein bars, protein powders, meal replacement powders, amino acid tablets and diet shakes.

Although there is a lack of an extensive list of studies to prove the safety and their fat loss efficacy, (some research was published in The Journal of Nutrition, Aug. 2004; vol 134: pp 1894-1899), a great deal of fitness experts and specialists support their utilization as an important step towards a lean and muscular new body.

How to choose the best and safest fat burning supplements.

When we decide to use the assistance of fat burning supplements in order to make it to our fat loss goals we have to keep in mind the following simple but important rules:

1. Search for a label or a manufacturing company with a good name on the market. A good name usually operates for many years in the industry and has never had a complaint on the quality or the efficiency of their products. Google through the label in order to make sure what people say in the forums for them.

2. Consult a physician prior to taking any supplement at all. Sometimes individual conditions require attention in a way only a physician could provide. Not only that but as an expert he can suggest the best product for you while having in mind your individual needs.

3. Avoid anything that promises results that are unnatural. Usually they will not provide what they promise and even more often they can be a serious threat to your overall well being. Do not forget the old saying that says "Whatever shines is not necessarily gold".

4. Avoid to follow on a friend of a friend’s advice without making proper research just because you have the natural tendency to believe your friends. Your friends are human too, therefore they make the same mistakes as everyone else.

5. Always try to avoid becoming a part of a statistics report with all the people who have failed to follow the straightforward suggestions mentioned here.

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